Thursday, November 25, 2010

Finding the Movtivation to Clear Your Clutter

Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui by Karen Kingston. This book changed my life. It got me to admit to myself the toxic effect that my clutter was having on my present and my future. The author has a spiritual world view that is different than mine and the second half of the book is a little hocus-pocusee to me. But the first half (which is well worth the price of the entire book) is 1) a clearing of the fog as to WHY we should de-clutter and 2) REALLY practical steps to take to begin and continue the journey.

And, I suppose I would have to say that it seems to me there is something between a solely practical view and a metaphysical view of an issue. Is there a spiritual link between having an object in a certain part of your house and generating wealth? I don't see it. Is there some kind of 'vibe' that is created when you feel better that gives you the energy to want to create wealth? I see it.

Clear Your Clutter With Feng Shui is the first step in your journey to a clutter free life.

Before we start such a daunting process, we have to really own the belief that there is a better way and that it should be taken. I've just begun to read Karen's book again and I think that I will review it here, chapter by chapter to get myself (and hopefully you) kick started again. If you would like your own copy, you can order it here.

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